Hygiene Concept of FFDD21

Your health and safety is important to us.
We therefore kindly ask you to comply with the rules applicable in the respective venues (see overview below). In general the following rules apply:
Mouth and nose protection
- Face covering over your mouth and nose is obligatory in all indoor areas of the venues and where the minimum distance of 1.50m cannot be maintained. This applies in particular to the foyer area, on the way to the cinema seat, for the bathrooms and when leaving the cinema.
Minimum distance
- A minimum distance of 1.50m applies. This can be minimized in the screening room at the cinema.
- The simultaneous use of WC areas should be avoided (see notices at the respective venues)
Contact Tracking
- Contact tracing is forfeited unless otherwise stated in the respective venues.
- Always keep sufficient distance (1.50 m) from other people
- Avoid touching (e.g. shaking hands or hugging)
- Follow cough and sneeze etiquette.
- Regularly wash hands for 20 sec with soap and water or alcohol-based sanitizer
- disinfect hands regularly, disinfectant dispensers and disposable wipes are provided
- Signs at the individual venues point out the hygiene measures
- Markings on the floor indicate entries and exits
- Seating arrangements
- one seat must be left empty between two people or groups to be separated
- only numbered seats are sold at the Schauburg and Programmkino Ost venues
- in all other, smaller venues, the distance between the groups of people (1 seat) must be adhered to
Instructions for action in suspicious cases
- Anyone with symptoms (e.g. fever, sore throat, respiratory problems, aching limbs) that could indicate a possible illness with COVID-19 is not allowed to enter the venues.
- The person affected is requested to contact a doctor or the public health department immediately
- If an infection is confirmed, a pandemic plan to identify and inform people who are at risk of infection through contact with the infected person comes into effect immediately
For a 7-day incidence below 10, the rules to be found in the appendix apply in the respective venues.