The Young Curators of FILMFEST DRESDEN
An important concern of the children's and youth section of FILMFEST DRESDEN is to involve the cinema generation of tomorrow as directly as possible in the festival events and to strengthen their aesthetic understanding as well as their social judgement and sense of values. For this reason, FILMFEST DRESDEN has expanded its programme since 2017 with the media education project "Young Curators", which involves an annually changing group of children and young people aged 5 to 18 in the film selection and programming of the children's and youth section of the respective festival year.
Our young short film experts select the children's and youth films in five age groups together with the festival programme directors. During the festival week, the curators then present their short film programmes in person to the audience together with adult presenters. All programmes are also offered as school screenings on the festival days.
In addition, the Young Curators present further screenings in the course of the year, for example at the Filmnächte am Elbufer, the Kinolino Filmfest or on Short Film Day on 21 December.
In 2022, the project was awarded the media education prize of the Saxon State Institute for Private Broadcasting and New Media (SLM).