FFDD22 Thematic Focus: Gender Equality

FFDD22 Special Programmes Outlook:

The fifth anniversary of the LUCA GenderDiversity Film Award provides the perfect opportunity for positioning the subject of gender equality right at the heart of our special and professional programmes. We are intending to explore issues such as marginalisation and underrepresentation that affect gender roles and other identity categories, and that have quite an impact both content-wise and structurally on (short) film production. The programmes observe how gender justice, feminism and the pursuit of equality are negotiated across countries. The aim is to raise awareness of a sensitive topic. 

The Argentinian screenwriter, producer and director Albertina Carri has been invited to curate one of the three festival programmes of the subject of gender equality. She also acts as the Artistic Director of "Asterisco", a film festival about sexual diversity in Buenos Aires. The works she has selected explore how diversity is dealt with thematically and adapted structurally in contemporary short film, as well as how gender equality, feminism and the struggle for equal rights are assessed and achieved on a transnational level. 

The thematic-focus film programmes are being accompanied by two discussion events: The "Queer Voices" discussion is considering short films in terms of their narrative styles, content and artistic approaches, and tackling the questions of what constitutes a queer film and which narratives are perceived as being queer. 

The second event "What’s the point of diversity?" takes a look at the diversity to be found in the festival scene and poses questions such as how film festivals can become open and safe spaces for all gender identities.


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