Starting 9 July: Open Air on Neumarkt Square
Tomorrow at 11 a.m. our festival week kicks off with the Short Film Open Air at Neumarkt Dresden! A wide-ranging programme consisting of a total of 33 blocks will be showing until 14 July between 11 am and 10 pm, alongside carefully curated documentaries, animations and feature films, and for the first time also programmes contributed by the viewing commissions of the National and International Competitions. Short films for families are available daily at 4pm and on Saturday and Sunday from 3pm to 5pm with a total of five Family Shorts programmes.
Here are a few tips: Jannis Alexander Kiefer lets a Brandenburg village community collide with the film world in KOLLEGEN. KOLLEGEN will be screened in the open-air programme UTOPISCHES IDYLL as well as in the Dresden Short Film Night on 17 July at 9:30 pm. Nicolaas Schmidt's experimental film INFLORESCENCE, which premiered at the Berlinale Shorts in 2020, will be shown in the open-air programme THE WORLD ENDS TODAY. The REGIONALE GESCHICHTEN programme presents five contributions, including the short documentary HIMMEL ÜBER PROHLIS by Clemens Hübner, who filmed a unique concert by the Dresden Symphony Orchestra during the Corona pandemic: numerous alphorns and brass instruments played from Dresden's highest rooftops, transforming the Prohlis district into a fictitious Alpine panorama.
The short film open-air was made possible with the support of the technical partner pms Professional Media Service GmbH & Co. KG and the Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (MDR).
As always, admission is free, but the festival team is happy to receive donations.