33 FILMFEST DRESDEN to be postponed to 13 to 18 July

Against the backdrop of the Corona Protection Regulation of the Free State of Saxony, the festival team, in consultation with the main sponsors, has decided to postpone the 33 Filmfest Dresden from April to the new date of 13 to 18 July 2021.
"Planning to keep the original festival date in April is simply too uncertain and risky due to the pandemic effects," festival director Sylke Gottlebe explains the decision. "Therefore, we are responsibly venturing a new postponement to celebrate the 33rd festival edition together with the audience in the Dresden venues. In terms of organisation, we also plan to take advantage of the open-air season and offer more outdoor events."
Film programme
The film programme includes in its usual scope the selection for the National and International Competition, the Children's and Youth Programme as well as the Special Programmes. Screenings are planned in the familiar venues in Dresden, such as the Schauburg, the Programmkino Ost or the Thalia Kino, in compliance with hygiene regulations. The Open Air is also planned to take place on Dresden's Neumarkt during the festival week.
In addition, other possibilities adapted to the conditions, such as open-air solutions in the cinemas, are being discussed. E.g. the use of Schauburg's new courtyard cinema is an option, if it is completed by the deadline.
All questions concerning the 33rd festival edition (e.g. submission, accreditation etc.) are answered in the here.