LUCA Short Film Tour for Gender Diversity
Small but nice, short but witty - the genre of short film is both a varied field of experimentation and a creative treasure trove. In its artistic diversity, the short film represents social and human diversity. But not only the diversity of genders, lifestyles, identities and biographies is the topic of the short film tour, which the LAG Queeres Netzwerk Sachsen, the Gender Competence Centre Saxony and the Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Jungen- und Männerarbeit Sachsen e.V., in cooperation with the Filmfest Dresden 2022, are jointly launching for the fourth time in a row. The violence that people suffer because of an alleged "otherness" also finds expression. And sometimes it is the solidarity among each other that constitutes the true greatness in our society.
The six selected films from the FILMFEST DRESDEN programme show a diversity of genders and lifestyles on the 2022 tour. This year's winning film of the LUCA Film Award for Gender Equality awaits the audience, reminding them where queer filmmaking originated and how queer people use humour as a weapon to confront their struggles. The film programme challenges stereotypical notions of women* and men*, provides insights into the situation of queer people of colour and challenges traditional role expectations. They show: People are diverse and diversity enriches our society.
The films will be introduced and presented individually, and after the programme there will also be an opportunity for conversation and discussion.
Admission free, the film programme will be presented in German.
The 2022 tour dates:
- 15.5. Mittweida / 6 pm / University, auditorium 39-041
- 21.09. Hoyerswerda / 7 pm / Kulturfabrik (NEW DATE)
- 13.10. Wurzen / 7 pm / D5 cultural and civic centre
- 10.11. Plauen / 6 pm / Malzhaus
- 17.11. Zittau / 7 pm / Kronenkino
The 2022 programme:
- DANS LA NATURE / Marcel Barelli, 2021
- TECHNO, MAMA / Saulius Baradinskas, 2021
- GLÜCKSPFAD / T. Sparmeier, P. Cremer, J. Werner, 2021
- LOVE, DAD / Diana Cam Van Nguyen, 2021
- AFFAIRS OF THE ART / Joanna Quinn, 2021
E. Mamede, L. Goddhinho, P. Menezes, 2021
An event of the LAG Queeres Netzwerk Sachsen, the Gender Competence Centre Saxony and the LAG Jungen- und Männerarbeit Sachsen e.V., in cooperation with the Filmfest Dresden.