Starting 25.6.: "KurzVorFilm" at the 30th Filmnächte am Elbufer

Congratulations on the 30th anniversary of the Filmnächte am Elbufer - and as a gift we bring along more short films for the big open-air screen. Under the motto "KurzVorFilm" we will present suitable short films before the main films on 30 evenings.
In addition to current entries from the National Competition of the 32 FILMFEST DRESDEN, the multi-faceted programme spectrum includes audience favourites from the festival's history, such as the relationship comedy 12 YEARS by Daniel Nocke and the somewhat different view of the ups and downs in the lives of young teenagers in ALIENATION by Laura Lehmus. You can also look forward to cult short films. With the fascinating animated film KANTENTANZ by Elisabeth Jakobi and Camille Geißler and the poignant short feature film NOI by Maximilian Welker, for example, we are giving you a foretaste of the competition selection for the 32nd festival edition, which this year has been postponed to 8 to 13 September.
The "KurzVorFilm" initiative was realized in cooperation with the Short Film Agency Hamburg and with the support of the German Federal Film Board FFA. The new programme slots give us the unique opportunity to present a wide selection of short films to the film night audience in addition to the Short Film Night on 17 July 2020: original, amusing, concise and extremely inspiring.
The programme shows (starts at 9.30pm respectively):
Date | Short Prefilm | Main Feature Film |
Thu, 25.6. |
KWIZ Renaud Callebaut, Belgien 2006 |
Bohemian Rhapsody |
Fri, 26.6. |
L'ARIA DEL MOSCERINO Lukas von Berg, Deutschland 2017 |
Mamma Mia! Der Film |
Sun, 28.6. |
ONE, TWO, TREE Yulia Aronova, Frankreich 2015 |
Das geheime Leben der Bäume |
Mon, 29.6. |
WHODUNNIT?? Jim Lacy, Kathrin Albers, Deutschland 2014 |
Knives Out - Mord ist Familiensache |
Wed, 1.7. |
NOI Maximilian Welker, Deutschland 2018 |
Deutschstunde |
Thu, 2.7. |
NUN SEHEN SIE FOLGENDES Stephan Müller, Erik Schmitt, Deutschland 2010 |
Der Unsichtbare |
Fri, 3.7. |
UZI Dina Velikovskaya, Deutschland 2019 |
Enkel für Anfänger |
Sun, 5.7. |
12 JAHRE Daniel Nocke, Deutschland 2010 |
Das perfekte Geheimnis |
Mon, 6.7. |
DAME MIT HUND Sonja Rohleder, Deutschland 2014 |
Little Women |
Wed, 8.7. |
ALIENATION Laura Lehmus, Deutschland 2014 |
Der Junge muss an die frische Luft |
Wed, 15.7. |
MENSCH & MASCHINE Jens Rosemann, Silke Brandes, Deutschland 2013 |
Gut gegen Nordwind |
Sun, 19.7. |
BIG BAG Daniel Greave, Vereinigtes Königreich 2016 |
Besser Welt als nie |
Mon, 20.7. |
NAZI GORENG Nathan Nil, Deutschland 2011 |
JoJo Rabbit |
Tue, 21.7. |
MOTODROM Jörg Wagner, Deutschland 2006 |
25 km/h |
Wed, 22.7. |
KANTENTANZ Elisabeth Jakobi, Camille Geißler, Deutschland 2019 |
La La Land |
Thu, 23.7. |
THE BEAUTY Pascal Schelbl, Deutschland 2019 |
Rettet den Zoo |
Fri, 24.7. |
NACHTSTÜCK Anne Breymann, Deutschland 2016 |
Joker |
Sat, 25.7. |
LÖWE Julia Ocker, Deutschland 2017 |
Die Känguru Chroniken |
Sun, 26.7. |
FRAGMANTS NEOZOON, Deutschland 2019 |
The Big Lebowski |
Tue, 28.7. |
TUTORIAL Dennis Todorovic, Deutschland 2018 |
Judy |
Thu, 30.7. |
APOCALYPSE AIRLINES Camille Tricaud, Franziska Unge, Deutschland 2019 |
Robinson Junior |
Fri, 31.7. |
MUSEUMSWÄRTER Alexander Gratzer, Österreich 2017 |
Lindenberg! Mach Dein Ding |
Sat, 1.8. |
MEGATRICK Anne Isensee, DE 2017 |
The Blues Brothers |
Sun, 2.8. |
CARLOTTA'S FACE Frédéric Schuld, Valentin Riedl, DE 2018 |
Eine größere Welt |
Tue, 4.8. |
IKTAMULI Anne-Christin Plate, DE 2019 |
Peanut Butter Falcon |
Thu, 6.8. |
CLAPOTIS Mor Israeli, FRA 2017 |
Undine |
Sat, 8.8. |
IT'S A SIN Derek Jarman, UK 1987 |
Bohemian Rhapsody |
Sun, 9.8. |
Once Upon a Time In ... Hollywood |
Mon, 10.8. |
I'M OK Elizabeth Hobbs, UK 2018 |
1917 |
Thu, 13.8. |
DEUX AMIS Natalia Chernysheva, FRA 2014 |
Ziemlich beste Freunde |
Sat, 15.8. |
NOSTALGIC LOVE Joscha Bongard, DE 2017 |
Das Beste kommt noch |
Mon, 17.8. |
WOCHENBETT Henriette Rietz , DE 2020 |
Systemsprenger |