FFDD24: Back again - Short Film Lotto
Short film selection process in 2024: 3,200 submissions. 596 car drives, 404 deaths, 420 fathers, 699 mothers, 674 children, 83 cats, 118 times sex, but only 1 tennis match. You just never know what to expect. Now you have an opportunity once more to slip into the skin of our proven selection committee and for a whole evening get to decide by chance in which sequence the films will be viewed.
Who knows, perhaps unimagined talents are lying dormant within you? The local bigwig Falk Töpfer is guiding us through the evening’s entertainment. He’ll manage to last till the end, what about you?
- When: Wed 17 April, starts at 7pm
- Where: scheune Blechschloss
- Tickets: Admission: €1. Access to screening all evening.