FFDD23: Pre-Jury Film Sound Wanted

Film sound fans wanted: Until 19 February, we are looking for film and music enthusiasts aged 18+ for our Film Sound Pre-Jury. So if you love challenging films and their sounds and want to get an insight into the festival happenings, then pay attention:
In the Film Sound Pre-Jury, everyone aged 18 and over can send their short film favourites into the race for the "Golden Horseman Best Film Sound". You make the selection from our competition films that stand out for their special use of sound and music. During the festival week from 18 to 23 April 2023 the film sound jury will then select its winning film from these, which will be presented on the big stage at the awards ceremony.
Apply by 19 February 2023 with an email to info[at]ballroomculture.org and write a short text about yourself and why you want to be part of the pre-jury. Please also include your age, your place of residence and, if applicable, your school/training centre or university.
We look forward to receiving your applications and wish you every success!