FFDD21: Nominees Screening for the LUCA Film Award for GenderDiversity

For the fourth time, the LUCA Film Award will honour short films at FILMFEST DRESDEN that send a clear signal for the acceptance of all genders, against sexism and against any discrimination. On Thursday, 15 July at 8 pm you can see the nominated shortlist for the award at a special screening at the Schauburg Cinema in the presence of the jury. There will be a second screening on Saturday, 17 July at 10 pm, also at the Schauburg. The winning film will be announced at the award ceremony on 17 July.
The films:
- SWINGUERRA, Bárbara Wagner, Benjamin de Burca, Brazil | 2019 | Fiction, Documentary
- AIVA, Veneta Androva, Germany / Bulgaria | 2020 | Animation
- DUSTIN,Naïla Guiguet, France | 2020 | Fiction
- ANNA, CAT-AND-MOUSE, Varya Yakovleva, Russia | 2020 | Animation
- YALLAH HABIBI, Mahnas Sarwari, Germany | 2020 | Fiction
- EIN RAUM FÜR MÄNNER, Manuel Inacker, Frédéric Jaeger, Germany | 2021 | Fiction
LUCA - Film Award for GenderDiversity is awarded in cooperation with Genderkompetenzzentrum Sachsen, LAG Queeres Netzwerk Sachsen and LAG Jungen- und Männerarbeit Sachsen e.V.
The entire programme will be published on our website on 22 June.