Our jury members 2022

The 16 prizes and awards in the National, International and Regional Competitions of the 34 Filmfest Dresden – endowed with prizemoney of €71,000 – will be awarded by eight independent juries:
Invited to join the International Jury are: John Canciani (Switzerland, Italy, UK), Artistic Director of the Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur festival, the Bulgarian film critic and curator Mariana Hristova and the Italian director and producer Martina Scarpelli.
The decisions on awarding the prizes in the National Competition will be taken by: The freelance film critic and moderator (rbb, MDR broadcasters) Knut Elstermann, the filmmaker Veneta Androva (AIVA, Golden Horseman National Competition & LUCA Film Award at the 33 Filmfest Dresden), as well as the theatre and film actress Karina Plachetka (Staatsschauspiel Dresden theatre).
The Golden Horseman Sound Design will be awarded by: The film scholar, curator, translator and head of the MuVi programme section at the International Short
Film Festival Oberhausen Jessica Manstetten, the film score composer and producer Daniel Hoffknecht, as well as the musician and music producer Johannes Gerstengarbe, who is the owner of the Ballroom Studios, which has already sponsored the film sound design prize for the eighth time.
The LUCA – GenderDiversity Film Award is celebrating its fifth anniversary this year. The jury members include:
Kerstin Honeit, cultural worker and curator in the fields of film and art, Lion H. Lau, a freelance editor and screenwriter, as well as the curator, filmmaker and activist Samuel Girma, who is also holding a masterclass on the subject of Black queerness at Filmfest Dresden.
For the second time, a jury is awarding the “fully political” Film Award: The director Arkadij Khaet (MASEL TOV COCKTAIL, Film Promotion Prize at the 32nd Filmfest Dresden in 2020), Dr. Roland Löffler, Director of the Saxon State Centre for Political Education (SLpB), and the writer Sabine Michel (MONTAGS IN DRESDEN).
The decision to award the Dresden Short Film Award of the German Film Critics Association will be taken by: The journalist Dunja Bialas (artechock, etc.), the journalist and filmmaker Frédéric Jaeger (critic.de, etc.) and the journalist Tina Waldeck (Frankfurter Rundschau newspaper, etc.).
Furthermore, in the International and National Competitions, two Youth Juries, each consisting of three members, will select their favourites.
Together with the juries, the audiences at Filmfest Dresden also have an opportunity to decide on their favourites in the International, National and Regional Competitions (Regional Film Night).
An overview of all the awards and award sponsors is available here.