Short Film – Rendezvous in Strasbourg
For the 17th time, the German-French Short Film Rendezvous will take place in Dresden’s twin city Strasbourg on the 1st and 2nd of June 2017. Along with our partners ARTE and Vidéo Les Beaux Jours, FILMFEST DRESDEN invites German and French up-and-coming filmmakers to present their films and discuss them in a one-day workshop. The German participants will be Engin Kundag with his short “Hunt”, Tarek Roehlinger with „Un état d'urgence“, Kristina Kean Shtubert with „Elisa“, Michael Grudsky with „Die Überstellung“ as well as Christian Wittmoser with „Emily must wait“. For the French part of the programme the films “Comme si“ by David Baudry, „La récompense“ by Laurent Hirn, „Bon voyage“ by Sinisa Galic, „En face“ by Jérémie Guez and „Bawan“ by Zouhair Chebbale were selected.