Call for Entry FFDD23 open

3, 2, 1 - and here we go again! The summer is coming to an end and we are once again on the lookout for fresh, new short films. We are now accepting your submissions for the 35 FILMFEST DRESDEN 2023 (18 to 23 April 2023)! As in previous years, we are working together with the submission platform
Short fiction and animated films (incl. hybrid forms such as AnimaDok, experimental or documentary fiction), not longer than 30 minutes and produced after 31 December 2020, are eligible for submission to our International and National Competition Programmes. Experimental and documentary films can be send in for our Central German Competition (even with a length of up to 40 minutes) as well as our Special Programmes.
The festival charges a submission fee of 6 Euros per submission (please find our statement here). SHORTFILMDEPOT also requires one stamp per submission. Stamps are available individually or in sets of 5, 20 or 50.
The submission deadline is 1 December 2022!
Further information regarding the submission procedure as well as our regulations can be found here.
We are looking forward to your latest productions!